American Flamingo.
A Pink and White bill with a Black tip, Yellow/Orange eyes, Deep Pink plumage with Red wing coverts,
Pink legs and feet.
Andean Flamingo.
A pale Yellow bill with a large Black tip, Dark Red/Brown eyes, pale Pink plumage with Black wing coverts,
Yellow legs and feet.
Chilean Flamingo.
A Pink bill with a large Black tip, pale Yellow eyes, Pink plumage with Red wing coverts, Grey legs and feet
with Pink leg joints.
Greater Flamingo.
A Pink bill with a Black tip, Yellow eyes, Pink/White plumage with Red wing coverts, Pink legs and feet.
James's Flamingo.
A bright Yellow bill with a Black tip, bright Red skin from the bill to the Yellow eyes. The plumage is pale
Pink with Black flight feathers, brick Red legs and feet.
Lesser Flamingo.
A dark Red bill with a Black tip, Yellow/Orange eyes, Pink / White plumage with Red wing coverts,
Pink legs and feet.
Now that we have identified the Flamingo, where can we find them at WWT Slimbridge?
They can be found in the following Zones: -
American flamingo. -
Caribbean Flamingo Zone.
Andean Flamingo. -
Andean Flamingo Zone.
Chilean Flamingo. -
Flamingo Lagoon.
Greater Flamingo. -
Flamingo Lagoon.
James's Flamingo. -
Andean Flamingo Zone.
Lesser Flamingo. -
Andean Flamingo Zone.
Did You Know?
| Flamingos obtain their Pink plumage from their food which contains carotenoids. |
| Flamingos feed by filtering food from the water using their Bills in the upside down position. |
| The life expectancy of a captive Flamingo can be 60+ years. |
| The Greater Flamingo is the largest of the Flamingos. |
| There is only one James's Flamingo at WWT Slimbridge which is the only captive example in Europe. |
| Flamingos legs can be 750 to 1250 mm long which is longer then their body. |
| Flamingos can sleep whilst standing on one leg. |
| The Lesser Flamingo is the smallest of the Flamingos. |
| Flamingos only lay a single egg each year. |
Related Links:-
Crane Identification
Dabbling Duck Identification
Diving Duck Identification
Flamingo Identification
Geese Identification
Sea Duck Identification
Shelduck Identification
Shoveler Identification
Swan Identification
Whistling Duck Identification
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