Nigel Key Cape Barren Goose
(Slimbridge August 2011)
The Cape Barren Goose, also known as the Pig Goose, is resident in Southern Australian and was named after Cape Barren Island where they were first sighted by European explorers.
The Cape Barren Goose is able to drink salt water allowing them to stay on off-shore islands all year round.
The Cape Barren Goose was close to extinction in the mid 20th century but its numers have steadily increased due to conservation efforts.
Hear the Cape Barren Goose's Call:- |
Conservation Status
750mm to 1000mm (30" to 39")
Appearance - Male
The male has a short Black bill with a Yelowish waxy structure (called a cere), Grey plumage with Black spots on the wing feathers, Black tail and flight feathers with Pink legs and Black feet.
Appearance - Female
The same as the male but smaller.
Grassy islands off the coast of Australia.
Grazes on Grasses, Barley, Herbs and Clover.
Breeding Time
May to September.
The nest is built by the male and lined with down in the tussocks of open grassland.
Quantity: 4 to 7
Colour: Creamy White.