Nigel Key Freckled Duck
(Slimbridge September 2018)
The Freckled Duck feeds by dabbling, it is native to Southern Australia and is protected by law.
When disturbed the Freckled Duck has a habit of circling repeatedly which makes it particularly vulnerable to poaching.
The main threat to the Freckled Duck is loss of habitat due to potential irrigation from Rivers which would reduce the amount of flooding and therefore Swamps and Wetlands.
Hear the Freckled Duck's Call:- |
Conservation Status
480mm to 590mm (19" to 23")
Appearance - Male
The male has a Light Grey and Brown even plumage with small White 'freckles'. The bill is Grey with Red at the base and the eyes are Brown.
Appearance - Female
The female is similar to the male but lacks the Red at the base of the bill.
Swamps, Creeks, Wetlands, Lakes, Ponds and Reservoirs.
Aquatic Plants, Seeds, Sedges, Algae and small Invertebrates.
Breeding Time
September to December.
The nest is built with woven twigs, lined with layers of down position at or near water level.
Quantity: 5 to 14
Colour: Creamy White.