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RUDDY DUCK (Oxyura jamaicensis)

©Nigel Key Ruddy Duck (Slimbridge August 2009)

The Ruddy Duck is a stiff-tailed duck from North America and the Andes of South America.

The Ruddy Duck is now established in the United Kingdom from escapees and they have also widely spread across Europe.

Due to the Ruddy Ducks aggressive courting behaviour and its tendency to interbreed with the native White-Headed Duck, there is a controversial scheme to extirpate the duck as a British breeding species.

   Hear the Ruddy Duck's Call:-
Conservation Status

350mm to 400mm (14" to 16")

Appearance - Male
The male has chestnut Brown plumage with a White face and a Black cap which extends to just below the eye and down the back of the neck. The bill is light Blue, the tail is dark Brown and the legs and feet are Blue/grey.

Appearance - Female
The female has Grey/Brown plumage with a dark cap, lighter cheeks with a stripe and Grey bill, legs and feet.

Wetlands, Marshy Lakes and Ponds.

Aquatic Plants, Insects and Crustaceans.

Breeding Time
Mid April to July.

The nest is built from grass in dense vegetation near water.

Quantity: 6 to 10
Colour: Off White.

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Ruddy Duck (WWT Slimbridge August 2009) - pic by Nigel Key
Photos copyright of ©Nigel Key
Click for larger image

Related Links:-

White-Headed Duck -

You can help to protect wetland habitats in the UK and around the World by becoming a member of the WWT, visit official WWT site for details.


Ruddy Duck
Breeding Habitat - North America
Canada and North America Alberta, South West Saskatchewan, South Manitoba. Also from Winnipeg South to the River Grande de Norte and through Seattle South to Los Angeles. Also resident in the Bahamas and the Antilles.
Winter Habitat or Migration Area
Winters South from Vancouver Island down to Central states around Nebraska and across to Boston in Coastal bays and unfrozen Lakes and Ponds.

WWT Slimbridge Location - Ruddy Duck
Swan Lake - WWTSlimbridge
© Nigel Key Swan Lake (WWT Slimbridge September 2012)

The Ruddy Duck is non captive but was seen at Slimbridge.
WWT Slimbridge Map

WWT Slimbridge Wildfowl (Listed Alphabetically)
A-B  | C-F  | G-L  | M-R  | S-Z
Wildfowl M to R
Maccoa Duck
Madagascar Teal
Magpie Goose
Magellan Goose
Marbled Teal
Muscovy Duck
Mute Swan
Northern Pintail
Northern Shoveler
Orinoco Goose
Pacific Black Duck
Patagonian Crested Duck
Philippine Duck
Pink-Eared Duck
Pink-Footed Goose
Plumed Whistling Duck
Puna Teal
Radjah Shelduck
Red-Billed Teal
Red-Breasted Goose
Red-Crowned Crane
Red-Crested Pochard
Red Shoveler
Ring-Necked Duck
Ringed Teal
Ross's Goose
Ruddy Duck
Ruddy-Headed Goose
Ruddy Shelduck